Insurance Documents 2025

Making a Claim

How do I make a Sports Injury claim?

All claims need to be submitted online via the Sports Claims Portal. To find the portal appropriate to you and your Club:
1. Visit the Gow-Gates Football Insurance Website –
2. Select your relevant Association
3. Navigate to the ‘Claims’ section and follow the link to lodge your claim online
4. Register an Account for the Sports Claims Portal
The standard documentation you will be required to upload during the claims portal submission are:
• Club Declaration (to be completed and signed by an Authorised Representative of your Club e.g. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer)
• Physician’s Report (to be completed by a GP, specialist, surgeon or dentist)
If you are claiming for Loss of Income, in addition to the Club Declaration and Physician’s Report you will also be required to upload:
• Employment Statement (to be completed by your employer)
• Incapacity to Work Statement aka. Page 3 of the Physician’s Report (to be completed by a GP, specialist or surgeon)
You will be prompted to download blank copies of the relevant documentation in Step 4 of the claims portal process. The claim submission is an 8 Step procedure and will save
your progress as you complete each Step.